Sunday, August 26, 2007

We have colds...

Well, the boy made it to four and a half months before getting his first cold. Ugh. We're just miserable over here! I don't feel well, either, so taking care of a sick baby is doubly hard. The poor little boy has a stuffy nose and has been running a low-grade fever. The worst problem is the fact that it is very hard for him to nurse right now, since he can barely breathe though his nose. Lots of tears and sad faces in my house at the moment.
I did finally get some pictures taken of my latest FOs - Moldy Cupcakes! I made half a dozen of these cute little things. Notice the fuzzy mold patches that match the green moldy icing. The ribbing turned out nicely on the bottoms - almost looks like the paper baking cups!

Again, you can just click on the pictures for a larger view. I finished these up last month, but just recently got the pictures taken. It seems like there's always too many other pictures to take with the boy! My current WIP is a giant crab for Ryan. I got the pattern for 'Crabius Maximus' from Lady Linoleum at Monster Crochet. I love her patterns! She is my crochet hero. You can view her blog here. Now all I have to do is decide what to do with all of these cupcakes...

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