Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Congratulations are in order, it finally happened! I'm officially divorced. Hooray! I'm glad it's over. It feels so nice to be Lindsey Askins again.

Baby boy met his father for the first time today. It went better than I expected. The visit was at the folk's house. Robbie was really good with him. Except for when I let him change a diaper by himself... When we got home, I realized that he'd put one of Emily's diapers on him - it was three sizes too big! Ha ha. Strange the things men don't seem to notice. Like the fact that diapers shouldn't come up to a baby's armpits...

The Monkey is growing in leaps and bounds - at his last weigh-in he was up to 14 pounds and 24 inches, and that was two weeks ago! He really likes to stand up, and can totally support himself when doing so. He just needs help balancing. We've now discovered our feet, and the fact that toes are fun to play with. Unless you try to take your hand away without letting go first. That makes us cry. It's the old cause-and-effect thing rearing it's ugly head again. Oh well. I'm sure he'll grasp the concept one of these days! The boy also likes to blow spit bubbles, suck on his fingers, and watch his Baby Einstein videos. It is too cute seeing him sit in his Bumbo seat, watching Baby Beethoven or Baby Noah, totally enthralled, laughing his head off! We also have My First Signs, but as he's still a bit young for it yet, we haven't watched it. Actually, I should probably start watching it now myself, so I can begin using the signs as I talk to the boy. For now, though, we're enjoying the other two. It's kind of nice to go around with classical music stuck in my head, as opposed to the crap that's usually in there. Last week I went around humming the Band-Aid Brand theme song to myself - "I am stuck on Band-Aid Brand, 'cause Band-Aid's stuck on me..." It was awful!

Baby boy also likes to play games now! We have several - Fly the Baby, where I hold him horizontally in the air and swoop him around; Don't Lick The Baby, which we play with Sabrina - I hold him out to her and say "lick the baby," she does, he laughs, and I then pull him away saying "don't lick the baby!" (they both love this one); and Horsey, which is rather self-explanatory, with the addition of me singing the theme-song to Bonanza during it. Speaking of singing, that child loves to be sung to! He'll watch you intently as you sing, and smile and laugh while you do so. His favorites seem to be songs by either Alabama or the Oak Ridge Boys. Although he did rather enjoy his papa's version of "Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys"... Sometimes I think he laughs because the singing is so bad! Ha ha.

Baby Dolton's Children First nurse, Nancy, comes again tomorrow, and he's got an appointment with Dr. Harvey on the 9th for his four-month shots. I'll let everyone know how he's doing after those two check-up! Bye for now...

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