Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Milk Mustache

Sunday was Baby Dolton's two-week birthday! He's growing like a weed, and was up to 6 pounds, 2 ounces at his checkup on the 23rd.
We've had a few bumps along the way - like the time that I accidentally squirted him in the eye with breast milk, or when I spilled half a can of Dr. Pepper on him (no more drinking while nursing!), but for the most part it's been really good.
The cats love him to bits - they sit on the bed and watch him while he sleeps, and if he cries Smokey runs to him and Henery runs to me. They're like little parents! As for the dogs, Thunder could care less, but Sabrina think he is her baby. She always checks on him, sniffing his head to be sure he's okay. Thunder just totally ignores him.
Emily Paige loves her little cousin - it is so cute how she says Baby Dolton! Of course, she does get jealous of all the attention he gets. Kelly was holding the baby yesterday, and Emmy made dad hold her like a baby. She would watch Dolton, and do whatever he was doing - waving his arms, sucking on his fist, etc. My new favorite thing to do, however, is to say to Emily, "Tell Mama you want boobie milk!" Emmy will run to Kelly with her mouth wide open and try to lift up her shirt!!! It's hilarious!
Baby boy is such a messy eater - this is what he looks like after most meals!

Well, gotta go change a poopy diaper. Hope to post again soon!!!


Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I hope to be in OKC sometime this summer. I will try to get in touch with you so I can pinch him. :)

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwww, he is SO CUTE! Love the milk moustache! It take me back... my little beastie was a messy nurser too! LOL!