Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Milk Mustache

Sunday was Baby Dolton's two-week birthday! He's growing like a weed, and was up to 6 pounds, 2 ounces at his checkup on the 23rd.
We've had a few bumps along the way - like the time that I accidentally squirted him in the eye with breast milk, or when I spilled half a can of Dr. Pepper on him (no more drinking while nursing!), but for the most part it's been really good.
The cats love him to bits - they sit on the bed and watch him while he sleeps, and if he cries Smokey runs to him and Henery runs to me. They're like little parents! As for the dogs, Thunder could care less, but Sabrina think he is her baby. She always checks on him, sniffing his head to be sure he's okay. Thunder just totally ignores him.
Emily Paige loves her little cousin - it is so cute how she says Baby Dolton! Of course, she does get jealous of all the attention he gets. Kelly was holding the baby yesterday, and Emmy made dad hold her like a baby. She would watch Dolton, and do whatever he was doing - waving his arms, sucking on his fist, etc. My new favorite thing to do, however, is to say to Emily, "Tell Mama you want boobie milk!" Emmy will run to Kelly with her mouth wide open and try to lift up her shirt!!! It's hilarious!
Baby boy is such a messy eater - this is what he looks like after most meals!

Well, gotta go change a poopy diaper. Hope to post again soon!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Full Story

Okay peeps, here's the whole story...
I went to the O.B. on Friday, April 6th, for a routine checkup... all was going well until Dr. Robinette looked at my chart and saw that I had lots of protein in my urine (gross), my bp was 168/98 (way high), I had 'gross swelling' of my feet and hands (I couldn't even make a fist), and I had gained 8 pounds in one week. All of these are symptoms of pre-eclampsia, so he sent me to Southwest Medical Center with the words, "We need to find a reason not to deliver this baby today!" My first thought was, "I have nothing packed," and my second thought was, "Oh my gosh, my sister is going to be pissed!" The one thing she's kept saying throughout my pregnancy is "Don't have the baby on Emily's birthday!" Which is, of course, April 6th.
I ran home, threw a bunch of crap in my suitcase, took a shower, cried over the laundry basket for 10 minutes because I couldn't find the pants I wanted to pack for the baby, finally got his bag packed (with said pants), and had Adam drive me to the hospital. My dad met me at the door, and we went up to Labor and Delivery. The CEO of the hospital stopped by to congratulate dad, but of course didn't come in to say a word to me... Dad was cracking jokes about how lucky I was to be escorted to my room by the Chief of Medicine of the whole hospital - his new post as of January. He thinks he's a laugh riot! The nurse came in and shot my arm full of lidocaine - I'm a hard stick in the first place, and with massive swelling it's just that much harder... She ended up digging in my arm for quite awhile - I'm really glad it was numb! Then the lab tests came back. Apparently they found a reason not to deliver him, and sent me home. I was to be on bed rest, and if I had any symptoms, such as seeing spots, dizziness, headaches, etc., I was to come back to L&D immediately. I also had to do yet another 24 hour urine collection.
Once at home, I cried my eyes out - I had been soooo close to seeing my baby! I felt like I had failed. I called mom, and she laughed and said I should be grateful he's able to cook a little bit longer - famous last words...
Saturday night, by the end of the 24 hours of the pee in a bucket test, I was so miserable and had such a horrid headache that I took the pee in myself instead of having Adam take it in for me, and asked them to check my bp just in case. They admitted me as soon as they did a stick test with my fresh cup o' pee (why they didn't just use the huge jug I'd brought them, I don't know). Dr. Robinette was called, and he scheduled my c-section for 7:30 that next morning. He said it was getting to dangerous with the pre-eclampsia to wait any longer. So no more cooking for Baby Dolton!
I spent a miserable night in the hospital - uncomfortable and feeling like crap. They gave me a sleeping pill, which worked for all of 20 minutes, and then I was up the rest of the night. I'd forgotten how bad late night T.V. is when you don't have digital cable! The next morning, Mom and Dad came before I was taken to surgery. I was hungry, thirsty, and more than a little scared. Dr. Robinette let both of them come into the O.R. with me, which was really cool. They gave me a spinal block, and then we got the show on the road... Dolton was born at 8:18 Easter morning! Dr. Robinette held him up over the curtain for us to see, and he was beautiful. Then they took him away to get him all cleaned up, and after what felt like hours (but was probably more like 3 minutes) brought him over to me so I could see him close up. I got to kiss his tiny head before they whisked him off to the nursery so I could be put back together.
I'm kind of iffy on the rest of the details since I received more pain medicine once Dolton was delivered, but once I was back in my room, Sandy and Adam were waiting for me with Mom and Dad. A nurse brought my precious baby in to me, and it was the best feeling in the world to look into this tiny face that I had grown for the last (almost) nine months. He had ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes (I counted), lots and lots of light brown hair, big dark blue eyes (we think they're going to turn brown like mine), and I fell totally in love.
Many people stopped by to see him, but as I was in a haze of percocet most of the time I'm not sure exactly who! Stephanie, Anissa, Wendy, Beth and Mydia, and Donna and Britian all left gifts and cards, so I know they were there, and Mom, Dad, Kelly and Emily, Adam and Ryan, and Sandy were there often. Liz told me she and her sister Mary came by, but I'll have to take her word on that! If I'm forgetting anyone, I'm sorry!
We were discharged on Wednesday, April 11th, but were told to come back the next day because Dolton was a little bit jaundiced. His bilirubin level was 13.5, which is a little bit high. The Thursday test came back with a level of 14 - Dr. Harvey said that if it didn't go down by Friday, he would have to have photo therapy, where they shine special lights on the babies to get the bilirubin to go down. Luckily, his Friday test came back with a level of 13.2, so no lights for this baby!
We're home now, and things are going well - we're both doing better with the nursing, and while we aren't on a schedule yet, we're at least on the same page most of the time. Dolton is really a very good baby!
His first check up was on Monday, and he's doing great. His umbilical cord came off at the doctor's office - Dolton's first milestone! All of his reflexes were good, and he weighed in at 5 pounds, 12 ounces. He's gained 3 ounces since Wednesday! I was so proud. He had also grown taller, and was up to 18 whole inches! My little Easter Egg is growing so fast. We're supposed to stop back in next Monday to check his weight, and our next appointment is on the 30th of April. I'll let everyone know how he does!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Picture Time

Here are a few pictures of my little easter egg... it's about all I have time to do right now!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

He's Here!

This one is a quickie - I think I can get 5 minutes in before I have to nurse...

Dolton Craig Askins was born at 8:18 A.M. on Easter Sunday, April 8th, 2007. He weighed 6 pounds, 4.5 ounces, and was 17 and 1/4 inches long.

Dr. Robinette delivered him three weeks early because I developed pre-eclampsia last week - what all the tests and bed rests were supposed to avoid! But that's okay, Baby Dolton is perfect.

I will post pictures and a full account of the events tomorrow, right now my little Easter Egg is hungry!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

37 Weeks

Thirty-seven weeks! I am officially full term! Hooray, hooray! If I have Baby Dolton today, he should be fine! I didn't realize what a relief it would be to know that.
I have been swelling and swelling lately... My feet, my hands, my face - even my nose and lips are bigger! Here is a picture taken last Saturday - I'm huge!

My second shower - a diaper shower - was on the 31st of March. It was given by my dear friends Adreanne Hoggard and Beth Freeman. All of the guests brought diapers as gifts! It was great. I am diaper-rich at the moment! I'm sure that won't last long once the baby is here... We played lots of fun games - guess what's in the diaper (different melted chocolate candies), how big is my belly (cut a piece of yarn that is the same circumference), what kind of baby food is in the unlabeled jars, etc. We had a blast! The food was great, too - I think I ate half of what was there! I had my camera sitting next to me the whole time, and failed to take any pictures. As soon as I get copies of the ones Adre took, I'll be sure to post them.
My niece, Emily, will be 2 years old tomorrow! Sweet baby girl is getting so big! Here are a couple of pictures of her... Isn't she a cutie? The pic with the white dress is one of her Easter pictures, and the one in the pink is her two-year-old picture. She's a doll-baby!

A friend of mine is having a hysterectomy on the same day as my c-section - April 13th. I decided to make her a 'replacement uterus' as a get-well gift! Here it is, in all it's yarn-ish glory... I know, I know, its really odd, but I'm proud of it. It's the first softie I've made without a pattern! I just printed off some pictures of uteruses (uteri?) online, and started hooking. I even wrote down the pattern - also a first for me. It's the first Lindsey original! I'm seeing an army of crocheted organs in my future...

It's that time again! From the Baby Center website:

"Congratulations! Your pregnancy is now considered full term — meaning your baby is developmentally ready to handle life outside the womb. (Babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 weeks are post-term.) Your baby probably weighs a little over 6 pounds at this point and measures between 19 and 20 inches, head to heel.

"Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children are born blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

"The next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's nursery or to take care of tasks you may not get around to for a while after your baby's born. Take naps and catch up on your reading while you can.

"Have you noticed an increase in the frequency or vividness of dreams lately? Anxiety about becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange pregnancy dreams.

"You may be getting a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions now, and they may last longer and be more uncomfortable. Sometimes — when they start to come frequently — you may even think you're in labor. You might also notice an increase in mucus discharge from your vagina. If you see some "bloody show" (the mucus plug tinged with a tiny amount of blood), labor is probably right around the corner! (If you have other spotting or bleeding, call your caregiver immediately.)"

This is getting more and more gross as the weeks go by...

It is 1:35 A.M. on April 5th, so I have 8 days, 5 hours, and 55 minutes left of this pregnancy!