Wow! I have been oh so remiss in posting lately! So many things have happened, so many firsts have occurred, that to include them all this post will be extraordinarily long. Get your reading glasses, settle in, and enjoy the show! As always, you can click on the pictures
to see a larger version.
On October 20th, Dolton had his first trip to Chuck E. Cheese! We went with Grammie, Aunt Kelly, and cousin Emmy. The boy had so much fun! He didn't ride the rides so much as just sit on them and look around,
but he had a blast.

I took baby food with me to the restaurant so Dolton could eat with us, and he was making the strangest faces!

Emily had a blast, as well. She really liked the Whack-A-Mole game!

Dolton liked the School Bus, and had fun playing with Grammie.

I think the Monster Truck was his favorite! Emily liked it, too.

Everyone had a good time at Chuck E. Cheese! ...
Papa likes to teach Dolton how to play the piano! Too bad Papa doesn't know how to play...

For Halloween, Dolton and I went to Providence Church. They had a Treasure Hunt called "The Search for the Pearl." It was really fun! We got a treasure map, and had to complete several different games to get a sticker on the map. Then we were able to get a 'pearl' and solve the hunt. There was a Cakewalk (pictured below), Simon Says, Soccer, Pluck-A-Duck, a fishing game, and Basketball. We had a blast!
Dolton's favorite game was Pluck a Duck. The object of the game was to pick up one of the rubber ducks, and see what number was on the bottom. You then would receive that many pieces of candy. The boy was having so much fun, I quit accepting the candy! We played that game at least ten times!!!

We also had fun fishing for candy. It kind of reminded me of the game at the fair on Pollyanna. Does anyone remember the doll she won?

Basketball was not Dolton's strong suit... 

Yay! We found the pearl, and got our picture taken with Jesus!

Once the Treasure Hunt was over, we went Trick-or-Treating at Anissa's house. We got to see Anissa, her sister Angela, and LeeAnn.

After Anissa's, we went to see Adreanne. She looked beautiful!
For his first Halloween,
I gave Dolton a Tootsie Roll.
It's just not Halloween
until you have chocolate!

All in all, I think it was a great first Halloween. ...
Dolton can really get messy when he eats a Biter Biscut! Just look at that face!

... On November 4th, Sandy invited Dolton and I to Bricktown for the afternoon.
We had so much fun!
We went to Bourbon Street Cafe for lunch.

Then we went for a walk on the canal. Dolton liked looking at the ducks!

We decided to go for a boat ride on the canal.

The Miller Jackson building is the oldest building in Bricktown. 
Here are some random views from the canal...There are several bridges over the canal,
and each of them have names.

This is the largest waterfall on the canal.
It is over 8 feet tall.

The Oklahoma Land Run Monument is not yet completed. When it is finished, it will be
the largest bronze monument in the world.
It is based on the Land Run of 1889,
and will have 46 heroic-sized pieces,
stretching more than 300 feet.

Toby Keith has his own resturant, where you can order a fried bologna sandwich. Somehow, that just does not seem appetizing to me.This is the Sonic World Headquarters.
The Block 42 Condos are the most expensive condos in Oklahoma.
The Bricktown Mural was painted by the students and faculty of OCU.
The Centennial Mosaic was sponsered by Devon Energy.

It was a really fun day! ...
Dolton is in Jail!

And here is the proof that I really DID NOT put my child in the dog's crate...
Dolton and I went by the Morningstar office to say hi to Anissa on the seventh. They have large buckets for charts, and Dolton had a lot of fun playing in one! We took a picture of the lable that warned against just such activities...

... Here are the boy's seven month pictures. I took him to MotoPhoto in Crossroads Mall to have them done. They actually let me take the dogs into the mall to get their pictures made with Dolton! I was so excited. I'm glad they came out as well as they did!!!

Aunt Kelly gave Baby Dolton his first haircut on Thursday, November 15th. He was actually a pretty good boy during the cut! He got a little mad by the end of it, and really didn't want to get his picture taken anymore. Which would be why he's screaming in the final pic. But it came out great! He looks so grown up! All he needs is an earring, a tattoo, and a motorcycle now, and he'll be ready to go!

I'll try to keep up with this blog better, but no promises. There is just always so much to do now that the boy is so active! I do pledge to get the Thanksgiving pictures posted in a timely fashion. We're leaving on Wednesday for Kansas, and will be back on Friday. I can't wait for everyone to see how much Dolton has grown! Happy Turkey Day, everybody!